Live Life F'earless Gladiatorbulls



I Dare You Gladiatorbulls



It's Magic Gladiatorbulls

Født: 31.07.2021

Født: 31.07.2021

Kept The Best Gladiatorbulls

Født: 16.08.2021

Født: 16.08.2021

Gladiatorbulls Northern Nefertiti

Born: 18.07.2019

Born: 18.07.2019

Gladiatorbulls I'm hot you're not

Born: 03.02.2019

Born: 03.02.2019

Gladiatorbulls Picture Perfect

Born: 11.09.2019

Born: 11.09.2019

Gladiatorbulls More Than Luck

Born: 15.07.2019

Born: 15.07.2019

Gladiatorbulls Nita Para El Corazon (Gladiatorbulls Colonel Etalon x CH Fomielens Izabella)

Born: 02.08.2012
Owner: Martina Stumpf and Liz Helena Westgård.
Breedingrights of 1 litter at Kennel Gladiatorbulls.

Born: 02.08.2012
Owner: Martina Stumpf and Liz Helena Westgård.
Breedingrights of 1 litter at Kennel Gladiatorbulls.